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Look this file does not take an idiot to install.Use Enable. Install the freaking plane. Then Go to:C:Program FilesMicrosoft GamesMicrosoft Flight Simulator XPMDGIn that folder you see dlls - Copy the PMDGOptions.dll into that folder and overwrite.Ta DUH your fucking done.Thanks to erikrock for posting this file.4X-AXG is a thief who steals other peoples releases. This file Originated from Wings of Silence.Please do not support these TPB Postings. Unless they come from the original purchasers and team that cracked them.All you do is feed the ego of thieves.
BTW - What 4X-AXG does is like Fairlight stealing something from Razor or Deviance.This would not happen within groups, it is about competition. All 4X-AXG has managed to do was alienate himself as a non team player and thief.This would not have been accepted years ago. A child to the game 4X-AXG will continue to steal. But be aware, he has never released a file that was not released elsewhere first.He has never purchased and sold, or donated to help a cause. He is the lowest of the lowest when it comes to file sharers and in no way deserves any form of respect.
He does not even know how to give appropriate credit. WoS is a little group, or a circle jerk, that I started about a year ago. The idea was that I would buy addons and have them cracked in return. I bought stuff for probably 3000 euros.Then some elements within WoS wanted a change in leadship so they leaked some of the addons I had procured with the serials that came with them. It wasn't long before Eaglesoft, Flight1 and PMDG fired off email after email with lawsuit threats. I bought three padded envelopes and scraped some nut crust from my ball sack and sealed it in with a fart and sent of to the developers. Ron Hamilton was not pleased.Then, without my consent, they changed the name of my outfit from Wings of Sodomy to Wings of Silenze.
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I cried that day. Eventually I left WoS because I was accused of a number of things, but the most offensive thing was that they suggested I was homosexual which is a lie. I have never been a gay, and as for that plainclothes cop in the airport mens' room, I only asked him for the time. 4X-AXG why do you not admit that you were relatively new to WOS when you started to steal from the site?You continuously post WOS here and take credit that it is your own.In regards to pondequeer - He has/had never had any thing to do with WOS. Just another lose.TBH I do not think some posters would have issues with the fact that 4X-AXG post stuff if he would just leave the original NFO and credits in the files, the fact that he does not is disrespectful to the original sharers.Everything yes, is illegal in the long run, the the little sense of respect for original shares by groups is tossed out the window. Nobody ever things to say thanks to the guy that actually purchased the item and provided the serial, or the original crack (remember these cracks from dedicated members of WOS) One of those being Wildman. I think if 4X-AXG kept the nfo's in tact there would be less issue amongst people.Some of thesee torrents have saved my ass, but just remember guys 4X-AXG is only able to share maybe 5% of what WOS has to offer.
I have been in this 'business' since the end of 2003; as far as I know, WoS was created after that2. I don't see a problem with me not giving credits to WoS as they won't give me credit as well. This 747 was shared at WoS (which again, is fine by me) with my name erased from the install.txt. Again, fine by me, but don't complain I'm removing your names as well.3.
Wildmans is NOT active, nor has he ever been, at WoS. He's not active at TPB, WickedFriends, WoS, not anywhere.4. Good holidays:-). I mean gosh guys!! I know if i wud have been taught how to crack- this PLANE wuD have been the focus. But, jeez seems like somepeople dont want to help. Its the 767 MAN!!
The LEVEL D 767!! Why cant any1 crack this?? Its an amazing bird guys. Some1 please try to fix this so it can work with FSX. My email is same as my IM if u got yahoo messenger.
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Some1 contact me if they figured out how to fix it. I know i know. After readin this ull jus leave and sayy EHH who gives a ffuk about him. But u all are in the same shoes when it comes to requesting a plane for fs9/fsx. So please as a fellow friend/pilot PLEASE get this plane working!!!goodluck, if i CAN HELP in anyway cracking.
Please message me email or IM as given above. Ill do ANYTHING!Takecarezshawn.
Software ApplicationDisclaimerThis page is not a recommendation to remove PMDG MD-11 747-400 Combined Crack And Liveries by LoLZzz from your computer, nor are we saying that PMDG MD-11 747-400 Combined Crack And Liveries by LoLZzz is not a good application. This text only contains detailed instructions on how to remove PMDG MD-11 747-400 Combined Crack And Liveries in case you want to. The information above contains registry and disk entries that other software left behind and Advanced Uninstaller PRO discovered and classified as 'leftovers' on other users' PCs.