Spore Save Files Download
Seems like a lot of folks are having a hard time copying or moving their SPORE saved games, creatures, vehicles and such. I did some research and found that actually you can.
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Spore Complete Save File Download
It is a pain in the rump. You have to copy your%APPDATA%SPORE folder (in all its glory) and your My DocumentsMy SPORE Creations (or on Vista it is something like UserDocumentsMy SPORE Creations).I've been so pained by this I am currently writing a little SPORE Game Packager so I can make it easy to do this.
- Writen by Lazor (Sporedum) For mac users it's. User/Library/Preferences/SPORE Preferences/p_drive/User/Application Data/SPORE/Games for mac users you must download a file run it to get hidden files to show up search 'show hidden files on mac in google' on vista it is C: Users (user.
- Learn how to back up save files so you don't lose your place in-game for your EA games on PC and Mac, and restore a local save to overwrite a cloud save.
It will create a file that you can move between PCs. Kind of like back and restore.
Spore Save Editor
I'll post it for free on my website when I'm done if anyone is interested. It's nothing fancy but all this copying and moving is making me crazy keeping my laptop and desktop in sync.

You could also use something like SyncToy or such to automate it.If anyone is interested in a little app to do this let me know. Right now I'm doing it just for a few friends and family members so it's nothing fancy.Vincehttp://www.vincearter.com.