Jbilling Installation Management

- Jbilling Installation Management Group
- Jbilling Installation Management System
- Installation Management Inc
Hello,Do you think as i do that is too much complex software? That its enterprise version license is very expensive? And that most importantly a billing solution could be done in a much simpler, user friendly and efficient way?if you are experienced in jbilling or other billing platforms and want to partner with me to build our own competitive java based billing system; them you are welcome.I beleive we could remove most of unnecessary complicated features of this product. We can build it with a better tool like playframework or grails entirely. And much important we can build it as SAAS (sofware as a service) so that the tedious repetitive tasks of installing and configuring this complex system in customers env is shielded away. We could also be very Demanding and build the ultimate Cloud based java billing system!If you feel interested by this project please leave your contact.
Buffet crampon bass clarinet serial numbers. It's advantage is that it's a pre R13.
We can than make up a distributed team to work on this project and bring it to life.I feel it is important b/c currently jbilling is the only java based billing system and it is monopolizing all the market. Plus its complexity requires companies to hire experts to do difficult work for installation,configuration and customization. I beleive we can offer a better and easy solution with minimum investment by companies. Probably the Cloud JBilling system i mentioned above.thanks. Hi Yahya, I have been a fan of Jbilling software since my days college days for learning and i kept following its architecture and technologies. Now when i have spent some time in job, i am more experienced around java/j2ee, e-commerce, solr(search engine), data mining, no-sql(cassandra). I love to code, look into scalability and architecture part.
Jbilling Installation Management Group
I think building such a product will give me a lot of satisfaction. I would love to join team of talented people, having said that, this requires time. How are you planning to take it further?? Please contact me on my email address. Harshvardhan ojha wrote:I beleive we could remove most of unnecessary complicated features of this productHow about making a simple to use and robust product which don't require much training?I believe, it is easier to make a product than maintaining. So can't we think to offer these services on web as well as mobile platform?yes that's what i'm looking to.
Jbilling Installation Management System
- Step 01 Installation jBilling is integrated with the web server out of the box, which helps make the installation process straightforward. Just unzip the downloaded zip file to a folder (where you want the installation to be done), eg ‘myjBilling’. Open the command prompt and navigate to the folder /path/myjBilling/bin.
- Post your problems here and we'll try and get to them as soon as possible. Jbilling-community-4.1.1 just doesn't work. Installation complete - can not load the.
But people have discouraged me by saying that billing systems are complex by nature.I'm willing to receive your ideas on how to make jbilling simpler. You can PM me and we can discuss more if you have some ideas to propose.
JBilling is a world’s leading web-based open-sources billion solution that gives you all the flexibility that you need for highly complex billing. It has lots of exciting tools that make your billing system simple and fast such as abundant computing power, fast pace, recurring revenue, service-based economy, global wireless internet and much more. The ultimate mission of this web-based platform is to provide the best billing cloud service for the enterprise with complex business rules and requiring high flexibility. It offers unique architecture, host billing service and a world-class team that help lots of world’s best companies to tackle billing complexity and stay in control. One of the most interesting thing about this application is that it offers customization option that allows you to add your own setting to your company style and manage all the billing section. JBilling was introduced in 2002 with very basic level, and now it has millions of users around the world in more than 150 different countries.
The platform includes core features such as deep configurability, integration API, scalable design, complex account structure, web access for customers, inventory, accurate invoice and much more. Overall, it is one of the best platforms that manage your all kind of billing problems.
Installation Management Inc
JBilling is a web-based enterprise billing system. Get project updates, sponsored content from our select partners, and more.