Duval County Esol Program Purpose

Transition to Teaching in Duval County Public Schools. The project will target the high-need subject areas of reading, mathematics, science, ESE, ESOL. ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) is a program designed specifically to improve the language proficiency of. PROCEDURAL MANUAL. GENERAL ESOL PROGRAM GUIDELINES. DUAL LANGUAGE PROGRAM GUIDELINES. This ESOL Procedural Manual has been compiled for use as a guide for all Duval County. Personnel or the parent to review student progress, for the purpose of.
The Center for Language and Culture (CLC) is a service center for refugee, immigrant and newly arrived families who speak a language other than English. The CLC offers homework assistance to students, evening language classes for parents, informational community sessions in various languages, and orientation to American schools for newly arrived families. We are trying to make a positive difference through our actions and services so that families new to Jacksonville have a smooth transition into the American culture and into the Duval County Public school system.
Our goal is to make our community a better place for all of its members. Initial English Proficiency Testing for Students. Wpa password list txt download.
Utilize results of the Home Language Survey to designate testing for all new students entering DCPS Advise parents on program options (Home School, Dual Language, Newcomer). Assist parents with registration documents including lunch registration and transportation2. Orientation Services for Parents and Families. Complete registration forms.
Duval County Esol Department
Information about American schools and service agencies. Information on clinics and health care centers. Provide Translations. Referrals to VPK centers and summer programs run by the city of Jacksonville3. Resource Center and Multifunctional Classroom.

Esol Programs In Florida
School Orientation Meetings. Streetwise and Safety. Rights and Responsibilities. Immunizations & Children’s Health. Parent and Community Outreach Programs- Burmese Family Night- Arabic Family Night- Hispanic Family Night.