Cutepdf Pro Silent Install

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Jun 15, 2012. Silent Install Procedure. The Pre requisites include converter.exe which I downloaded it from Cute PDF website. After that I extracted that converter.exe by using WinZip (what ever you have) I got setup.exe and GPLGS folder; Now I made a batch file using the following command switches. Desktop Central is a Windows Desktop Management Software for managing desktops in LAN and across WAN from a central location. It provides Software Deployment, Patch Management, Asset Management, Remote Control, Configurations, System Tools, Active Directory and User Logon Reports. Its network-neutral architecture supports managing networks based on Active Directory, Novell eDirectory,.

F1 2014 crack fix 1. The Problem:I am trying to perform an unattended, silent uninstall of the, via command line. Every available source I have found points me to these two commands: 32bit '%ProgramFiles%Acro SoftwareCutePDF Writeruninscpw.exe' -s64bit '%ProgramFiles(x86)%Acro SoftwareCutePDF Writersetup64.exe' /uninstall -sSample sources: (v3.0), (v2.8), (v2.8)Yet this doesn't work for me. Every time I try I get a message box I must click: This will remove CutePDF Writer from your system.

Do you wish to continue?I have tried it many times with both clear installs and multiple installs/reinstalls on VirtualBox on following systems:. Windows XP. Windows 7 32-bit. Windows 7 64-bitThe problem replicates every single time.

Cutepdf Pro Silent Install

I also tried other popular switches like /silent, /verysilent, /S, even the SUPRESSMSGBOX which was once said to be working with the older installer of Writer. Nothing worked.I have filed an issue at CutePDF website, but it's free software and not their support priority. The Question:Since multiple sources point to this method, I am kind of lost. Could they all be wrong, or is something wrong with my environment? Perhaps it's locale-specific?I'd be thankful for anyone to check if the same problem occurs on other machines, especially on Windows locale different than PL (1045).Perhaps someone knows some better way to perform an unattended uninstall of this product? The matter is solved.

Unfortunately, Acro Software Inc. Removed this feature. Purposefully.I received a following response: Hello M.The current version does not support silent un-installation.Regards,CutePDF Support Team.for which I asked if it is a planned behaviour, eg. They're planning to keep it that way, or will it be fixed in the next release? The response was short: We may change that in our next version.Regards,CutePDF Support TeamI have asked them then if they could be in any way more specific, yet.

Unfortunately, we don't have schedule yet.You may acquire the license of our custom PDF writer which can beinstall/un-install silently.Regards,CutePDF Support TeamTime to get reacquainted with other, comparable products:)An alternative deployment workaround available is to use with the following script: AutoIT364.exe uninstall-cutepdf.au3 ' '(note the parentheses, they are important!) If FileExists( $CmdLine1 ) ThenRun( ' & $CmdLine1 & ' ' & $CmdLine2 )WinWait( 'CutePDF Writer', 'Do you wish to continue?' , 10 )ControlClick( 'CutePDF Writer', 'Do you wish to continue?' , 6 )WinWait( 'CutePDF Writer', 'CutePDF Writer has been removed', 30 )ControlClick( 'CutePDF Writer', 'CutePDF Writer has been removed', 2 )EndIfNote that when using, or other software deployment system running as SYSTEM user during startup, you need to make sure the service runs in desktop-interactive mode, otherwise AutoIT won't work properly. I can confirm that unless you do as the OP suggested (using AutoIT), silent uninstall is not possible.To make matters worse, when you attempt to use the provided command line of '%ProgramFiles(x86)%Acro SoftwareCutePDF Writersetup64.exe' /uninstall /s, you're still prompted, and then the 'setup64.exe' never again functions properly. Even after manual uninstall and reinstall the 'setup64.exe' no longer functions.This is just not an enterprise product, simple as that.My testing was done on Win10 build 1803.

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How To Install Cutepdf Writer


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