Ximenes On The Art Of The Crossword Pdf Generator

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The section had previously featured anagrams, word squares, rebuses, hidden words, and other games; it was only a matter of time before the puzzle became more cryptic. After the publication and massive sucess of a book of crosswords from the New York World in 1924, puzzles began to appear with clues that were far more experimental. While not cryptic clues in the current sense, they included anagrams, classical allusions, incomplete quotations and other references.In 1926, The Observer hired an English translator and poet namec Edward Pows Mathers.

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Crossword puzzles on the web. American, cryptic and quick puzzles, crossword software, references and books, other related sites. What’s more is that our blank puzzle templates will offer you the same benefits as crossword puzzles on newspapers. Most crossword puzzles help in fighting dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, plus it can boost your sense of accomplishment when you complete the puzzle, and even relieve stress and stimulate bonding when played as a group.


He was previously only known as a translator, but his knowledge of languages gave him a unique skill. He has constructed a puzzle he signed off with 'Torquemada' for his friends, one of whom showed it to an editor. After a brief run at the Saturday Westminster, he was brought to The Observer, still using his distinctive pseudonym.The first of was printed in March, 1926, and appeared under the title 'Feelers' as Mathers felt he was feeling his way with his new and wider public. Over the next few months he received a massive correspondence, much of it from readers protesting mildly that they were wasting many hours tussling with his clues. Within a couple of years he already had his copyists employing cryptic clues; at the same time his own 'constant solvers' were getting on his nerves and requesting a fuller display of his invention and ingenuity. He then abandoned the normal crossword grid pattern and devised a form without any black squares.

This gave him greater elasticity in the choice of words and enabled him to reduce to a minimum the number of unchecked letters. Only his successor Ximenes had such mastery of the art of composing tortuous and exasperating - but always scrupulously fair - clues.

During the years that he worked on The Observer puzzles, he received many letters from solvers indulging in speculations as to his identity. His fondness for Biblical clues led many to endow him with ecclesiastical rank. Enquiries were also frequent as to how he set about composing his weekly puzzles. Several years after his death, his widow answered this curiosity in the foreword to a book of Torquemada puzzles: 'I see him sitting cross-legged in bed, with a puzzle in front of him, looking very like a somewhat relaxed Buddha, a cigarette between his fingers and eyes fixed in the distance - until something clicks and, with a contented smile or discontented shrug, he writes on the list in front of him, and ticks off the word in gaily coloured chalk. Or prowling around his shelves in baggy flannel trousers, his shirt open at the neck and sleeves rolled above the elbow, in search of a quotation through which he would lead his solvers to read or reread some favourite in verse or prose. Or sitting at a table in the living room, kitchen or garden, one ankle resting on the other knee, a hand hugging the foot, drawing marginal decorations in vari-coloured chalks while he broods on some uninspiring word.' How long did it take him to compile his masterpieces?

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According to his widow, the more straightforward puzzles took on average about two hours - although he rarely completed one at a sitting, preferring instead to divide into quarters and sand-wich it with other work. Puzzles with the clues buried in a narrative story or those based on a particular book or author took longer because of' the amount of preparation required. Although his remarkable fertility led many solvers to believe that a Torquemada team was at work, his only collaborator was his wife. Mathers would choose his subject and make a list of words he wished to include. H is wife's part was to select from this list and construct the diagram. From time to time, readers would post him their own 'Revenge' puzzles and occasionally he would borrow a clue from one of these, but less than fifty of the thousands of clues he presented came from these contributions.

When his widow examined some thirty thousand clues in The Observer series, she found the same word cropping up fifty times over the years and was astonished at how he succeeded in continually varying the clues.Considering the difficulty of his puzzles, the wonder is that so many readers were able to solve them. Up to seven thousand correct solutions were received by The Observer each week, and it was estimated that another twenty thousand regularly com-pleted the puzzle without bothering to put the result into the post in pursuit of the prizes for the first three correct solutions opened each week.

However, on occasions there were only a handful of successful solvers - on at least two occasions the list of prize-winners was restricted to one lady. Torquemada addicts were widespread. Solutions were received from a man in West Africa who didn't even have a dictionary to turn to. The first air-mail post from India brought a solution, while another came from four men snowed up in Alaska with only a copy of The Observer for entertainment. A Scottish lady of over seventy relied on completing them before Morning Prayer, otherwise her worship was distracted. On the other hand, on one occasion the entire Balliol Common Room admitted that working in combine they still hadn't managed to finish one particular1y brain-twisting puzzle. Many solvers worked together sometimes over by phone: an anguished complaint came from a Scot complaining on the long distance charges he incurred with each puzzle.Up to his death in February, 1939, Mathers published 670 Torquemada puzzles in The Observer.

Ximenes on the art of the crossword pdf generator 1

In tribute, many crypto cruciverbalists still use evocative psuedonyms.