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Free Route 66 Maps
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If you're flying in from overseas: make sure your device has maps for the USA. The navigation can also readily help in finding the exact location of things like side trips, hotels you. With ROUTE 66 Maps + Navigation you will always reach your destination. Download ROUTE 66 Maps + Navigation free for Android to have the. Route 66 is the ultimate American road trip and we've put together a comprehensive 2 week Route 66 itinerary to help drivers navigate this historic route. The detailed day-by-day Route 66 itinerary covers all the basic details (mileage, general route) and sightseeing highlights along the 2,400 mile route.
Route 66 Maps Free Download
Smart Keyboard for destination input. 3-level POI search. Featured with chain/brand search. Enriched map display including one-way mark, live cloud, Z-level. Easy to use No installation needed for PND, smart phones Upgrading new functions by simply copying to SD card. POI/Speed camera import capable (Google Earth compatible): on goingFor detailed information, you could click up here: free-route66- map-for-europe- 2g-sd-card-p- 509.htmlPlatform:Resolution: 320×240,480× 272,800×600OS: WinCE.