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The holy grail is within you, we can help you find it. We expect our members to participate and become a part of the community. Help yourself by helping others.You'll need to in order to view the content of the threads and start contributing to our community. It's free and simple.- Big Mike, Site Administrator. Why switch it up if its working eh? Tops to you for nailing the. I started Jan also after spending December studying Johns webinars.
Pretty similar timeline though I needed some extra help from a prop trader.Where you at?I live in Goldy too haha.There's a variety of reasons. Download film sub indo. Most has to do with longevity. There doesn't seem to be that many out right traders any more in Propshops so I am a little concerned if Im going down the right path. Prop firms like Propex and Aliom for us Aussies train Spreaders too.Im just going to do both for now and see what happens. But with the total lack of information out there about how to trade the and spread, its seems like its going to be hard.
If there are any profitable Bill Spreaders out there that trade at a Prop Firm I am willing to pay you $200 to talk 20 minutes and skype.Man i've become decent at reading and i was taught the right things by John Grady. Go to his website and buy his courses if you're struggling.
He will put you on the right track. But then you need to sit at your screen for hours and hours like i did to become decent at it. I can consistently read it decent now.
Currently i am profitable 80% of the days. So i guess it works. I traded every day for 6-7 hours, journalled every day and also visualized every day. O I also screen record my trading sessions for review.
No Bs Day Trading
I have a library of trades such as trades and trades. Seriously i don't think i could of become reading that good if it wasn't for the training i put in, so you must do it.I have been trading the bunds on jigsaw since feb as well. Went through 2 live webinars with grady this year. Still struggling but I'm able to read the flow somewhat. I trade about 4 hours a day, journal and video review my trades as well.

What other work are you putting in? I am reading trade psyc books up the YingYang and watching every trading videos I can find. I have not read this but figured since I like the No BS way of things, perhaps its worth a look if wanting to get into spreads.I have bought this book by Rajen Kapadia ( cost just $4) and would say its a nice introductory book on trading the spreads intra-day. Most of materials focus on daily and weekly charts, however this book suggests some intra-day techniques and illustrates the technique with good examples. It focuses mainly on eurex bonds, euribor and energy spreads.
I have currently subscribed for SpreadProfessor Pete Hamby's 6 months training in spread trading (for $7500, my biggest investment in trading education so far) but Pete focuses on long-term charts for spread trading.In my live account, I am using and on mainly to trade 10 year note and improving in DOM orderflow trading with time. I traded ZB to begin with but decided to switch to ZN since it has higher volume and moves in nice little trends of 8-10 ticks. I have been updating my Journal on day trading the Bund. Was about to go live next week but found out last night that I have a lot to learn. Was on a good run for a week averaging about 8-10 ticks a day with my limited trading skills. Though got wiped out yesterday.John Grady from No BS Daytrading seems to advocate trading the Bund if you want to check out his site. He mainly trades US Treasuries but switches to the Bund / Bobl/ Schatz when more opportunity.I still think despite yesterday, that there is a lot of potential for the Bund.
Though I certainly needed a different strategy yesterday which was a strong. Going to pull it apart today and see how I should have played it.But yes - lets talk about Bund! I trade it with Jigsaw. Am thinking we might be able to categorize days similar to the Jigsaw team for ES.Day Trading DaysStrong Trend Days caused by larger time frame playersNothing DaysSo far I have seen about 6/10 good days3/10 slow as days1 day strong trendingAnyone else have observations on this? I have currently subscribed for SpreadProfessor Pete Hamby's 6 months training in (for $7500, my biggest investment in trading education so far) but Pete focuses on long-term charts for spread trading.Hi,Can you share your thoughts on this course?

No Bs Trading
I am not ready to tackle spread trading yet (still working out the kinks in outrights, which I feel is the best place to do so) but its something that interests me in the medium term. 7.5k is a lot of money to pay someone over the internet, so I would like to see what you think. My desire is to learn about tradig the from a longer-timeframe perspective (holding period 1 day). Hi,Can you share your thoughts on this course? I am not ready to tackle yet (still working out the kinks in outrights, which I feel is the best place to do so) but its something that interests me in the medium term.
7.5k is a lot of money to pay someone over the internet, so I would like to see what you think. My desire is to learn about tradig the from a longer-timeframe perspective (holding period 1 day)HiThis course by Peter Hamby (SpreadProfessor) basically is about relative value trading.
No Bs Trading Course
When you are trading the relative value between 2 well correlated instruments, you are immune to broader market movements. The spreads are known to trend well and the complex spreads like butterflys and condors reduce the volatility of the instruments eg CL to a which is tradable with significantly reduced risk than an outright.Peter sends written materials and some webinars after joining and then the client needs to build hundreds of spread combinations on esignal over initial month. After that, Peter provides paper trading instructions and client is expected to start papertrading. We include products traded on, ICE, Liffe as they have margin benefits with cross-exchange spreads eg. @Trade the 8am to 10.30am eurex session is best whatever hours that works out for you. John at No BS Day Trading just did a eurex webinar series in which he was trading in middle of the night from US.
You might want to check his advice out on the matter. But he defo worked around the eurex morning session which is brutal but is what it is. I currently bite the bullet trading US morning TSYs which is 11pm-3am my time and it just takes a bit of routine and adjustment to get used to. More so if scheduling in a day job I gather but seriois traders do whatever hours it takes for the best opportunities from what I've witnessed this last year. 10-year AnniversaryRight now10-year AnniversaryRight now10-year AnniversaryRight nowBattlestations!AugustRegister to AttendAug 22Upcoming WebinarElite onlyUpcoming WebinarElite onlySimilar ThreadsThreadThread StarterForumRepliesLast PostkbitJokes2July 21st, 2012 05:49 PMQuick SummaryNews and Current Events0November 9th, 2011 09:10 AMQuick SummaryNews and Current Events0November 6th, 2011 02:00 AMBig MikeGerman Traders0October 27th, 2010 11:55 PMjeffbg123Traders Hideout3May 30th, 2010 12:20 PM.